Many parents express the opinion that computer and video games are useless that kids don’t learn anything beyond hand-eye coordination from the thousands of hours they spend by playing video games. Other critics express the opinion that internet and video games impart just negative messages.
I think video games are not harmful as much as parents considering.
Whenever a child plays games, learning happens constantly, learning of a game, learning about of a life. Really its a great positive one. Every day the kid learning, how to play games, learning how to handle daily life.
But every parents should pay pay some attention in order to analyze how and what players learn.
At first, parents should give attention to the game surface, graphics, audio, text, etc. If the content of a game is rich the kid must learn many things from the game.
The video game’s content and objects should be teaching friendly and social oriented. Most of the video games are covering daily life and social problems.
In fact, as a learning tool, computer and video games may be the most powerful mechanism ever known.
Parents should examine the usefulness of the video game that the kids playing on the context of real life.
Children can lean different things from various video and computer games. These games help kids to solve problem in their real life. How to work in a firm or how save their life when they are in a difficult situation though this is virtual operation.
Most of the video and computer games design to learn how to do a work or how to fight virtually. His movement and quick action as well as manipulating objects to solve the problem instantly. Every video or computer game is that one is learning how to do something. If there is any message on the screen to go the next step, the baby can take control of objects quickly. Take decision by moving mouse or joy stick is not like watching TV or watching movie. Sitting long period of time in front of screen helps the kinds to work with patience in his/her real life.
Game designers keep deep concentration on the content of the game to make similar to the real world to teach infant easily. But computer game unable to teach every thing like a teacher can do. The children sometime not interested to listen the teacher but they are more interested to play a games because of its color, sound, motion and other attractive characters that help them to learn easily.
For video and computer games, input devices are very important.
From the computer game and video game a player can identify what he is doing. On the base of his knowledge and experience he can go ahead to do particular thing in his practical life.
A video game player also can learn about “why” “where” and “when” factor from a video games which will help him in his daily life in future..