
Population of India – How to Find Out the Total Population of Each City

Population of India is increasing at a rate of six percent per annum. This article will tell you how to find out the exact number of Indians living in a particular area. You can look for any information online about the country’s population growth and other population statistics. You can take your research with you in your local area too.

population of India

For all those who want to know about the progress of the country’s population growth, let us discuss the main sources of population growth. The major sources of population growth are migration, birth and death rate, natural increase and natural decrease. While migration is one of the biggest contributors to population growth, it is a long-term process. If you study the statistics of people migrating to India then you can find out whether the population is increasing or decreasing. You can also study the factors that contribute to this.

When looking at population growth, the first factor that should be considered is migration. This may also be known as the birth-death-migration process. When people migrate from any part of the world to India, their births, deaths and migration change the geographical distribution of the population. In such a case, the total population in any particular area will be different than the actual population.

But you must not let this fool you because it is quite easy to control the migration process. You can make use of demographic factors such as fertility, life expectancy, literacy rate, mortality rate, migration process, total population and migration rates.

You must learn to calculate the growth of population at different places. The first step is to calculate the difference between the birth and death rates. This will give you the population growth per annum.

You can also calculate the total population in a specific area. You can divide the total population in a particular area by the age-specific percentage of population. For example, if the total population is three thousand people and the area is a hundred square kilometers, then the population per square kilometer will be four thousand.

Calculating the population growth of India has become quite easy, but it is not possible to predict the actual population growth in future. However, you can look at some of the recent population studies that have been done to get an idea about the growth of population in each area of India.

However, for population growth to be possible in India, education is a must. It is important to note that the total population growth rate is different in every Indian region. But the average growth rate per region of India is similar.

The total population of India is increasing at a very fast pace. While there are areas where the population is declining, it is difficult to notice the exact reasons for the decline.

There are certain areas that are witnessing a high growth rate. However, the high growth rate is not sufficient to counter the fact that the total population is decreasing.

The population growth rate in these areas may have something to do with the poor quality of infrastructure and limited employment opportunities. If the population is increasing, then you can also look at the fact that the number of people moving out of India is increasing rapidly too.

If you want to see how the birth rate and mortality rate are affecting the overall population growth rate in a specific area, then you can look at the details of the various demographic indicators available. Then you can be in a position to track the population growth in a specific region of India.