
Japan Bangladesh Society – JBS

JAPAN BANGLADESH SOCIETY (JBS) is Bangladeshi community in Japan is a registered NPO working as a bridge between Japan and Bangladesh since 1996.


a) Introduce Bangladesh to Japanese people through various activities, such as the Boishakhi Mela.japan bangladesh socity

b) Provide health care assistance and advice to expatriate Bangladeshi People.

c) Conduct study tour between Japan and Bangladesh.



a) Provide support in running the Japan Bangladesh charity hospital at Khulna city, Bangladesh.

b) Health Education to the unprivileged people of the community of Khulna.

c) Introduce Japan to the Bangladeshi People, through organizing events such as workshop, study tour.

d) Arrange for training and exchange programs.


Tokyo Shaheed Minarshahid-minar-tokyo


The Tokyo Shaheed Minar was bulit at the Ikebukuro West Exit Park, Tokyo, Japan, by the People’s Republic of Bangladesh to the City of Tokyo Shahid MinarToshima in 2005. Tokyo Shaheed Minar is symbol of the cultural exchange between Japan and Bangladesh, which started with B
oishakhi Mela (Bangladesh New Year Festival). This festival is organized every year in mid April, by Japan Bangladesh Society (JBS) at Ikebukuro West Exit Park, since 2000.

The Tokyo Metropolitan Art Space is also located in this park. Tokyo Shaheed Minar as depicted above, has a central part, which represents language as the mother and four figures around it, symbolizing children protecting the mother.




1-22-11 Sangenjaya, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 154-0024

Tel: 090-3008-2437, Fax: 03-3959-1729

E-mail: info [at] japanbangladesh.com

Editing Note: We were looking for the Japan Bangladesh Society community representatives but they have no information about the current committee.  so we would like to ask to send us list of persons of the committee.