
Problems of internet users in Bangladesh

Internet is  very important thing in this present world. It is difficult to pass a single day without internet. Internet gives this world in our hand. Internet provides all facility which is needed in our life. We can easily do any kind of work by the help of internet. In modern world internet is essential. But the use of internet is very poor. In Bangladesh most of the people are not known about internet use. So, they are backdated. They cannot get the happiness of a digital life. They pass their life by the lifestyle of before. There are some problems regarding this problem.

Some of those are discussed here:

The economy of our country is not well. Most of the people of our country are living under living standard. So, they cannot bear the extra charge for living or for a standard and updated person. So, they cannot buy the computer and internet modem or connection for internet use. So, they cannot use internet. In our country most of the people have no computer and internet facility. It is the main problem in Bangladesh.

Our government should not take sufficient steps which can do well for internet users. Government take step to provide laptop but it is not sufficient for the huge number of people of Bangladesh. Our government should provide the allocation of money which is big in amount of present time. The respective concerned persons of this side are not aware about providing more internet facility to general people of the country. They are busy for their own internet business which is not useful for country.

So, government should distribute a big amount of money to reduce the problem of internet user.

People are not proper educated to use internet and computer. Windows Operating system and internet in English also another problem. For that, they cannot use computer and internet. Fourth, ISPs who are doing their business in the country are not careful about their customers. They charge a high amount for their service. Many people are not getting their internet connection for the high charge of using internet. After providing the internet connection, the customer service is not sufficient.

Another problem is pornography. Most of the young people who can use internet properly are engaged in pornography. They spend most of the time of internet use with browsing pornography websites. So, they cannot get the main benefit of internet. The young peoples are more engaged in pornography.
There are not sufficient believe about internet work. Because of illiteracy most of the people have not believe of internet work. Who are expert in internet work, they are not believe the internet. Because, the most of site is fake and illegal who provides the fake work through internet.
Seven, the people who are working through internet are not getting proper guideline from any kind of organization or people. The different course fee is so high, so our general people cannot bear the expense. So, they are unknown about internet knowledge.
Internet is a part of our life in present day. If we have an internet connection, the whole world in our hand. So, our government should take proper steps to provide the easier way of internet which can help the country to be a developed country in world. If most of the people of the country get the facility of internet, they get a digital life and we get a digital life and we get a digital Bangladesh, which is a developed country.