
Population Problem in Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a small country of 55598 sq. miles but its population density is very high. About 1600 people live in a square mile. Population is the main problem of Bangladesh.  Bangladesh is the 7th most pupulous  country in the world. Every year more than 2 million people are added to our population. Growing population is the main question everywhere, population problem in Bangladesh should be solved immediately . It is almost out of control. Total population of Bangladesh is about 16 crore. If population of Bangladesh is increasing by this rate, the population of Bangladesh will be about 32 crore within 20 years.


Population problem creates food problem, education problem, communication problem, unemployment problem, shelter problem, health problem, and environment problem and increase poverty.

Over Population problem in Bangladesh

Communication Problem


We cannot provide proper education to every child in the pre-primary or primary school level due to shortage of seats in the school.  Every year population or students are increasing but school and teacher are not increasing at the same time.  After passing SSC or HSC examination many students cannot get admission to a good college or university in Bangladesh.

Population Problems in Bangladesh

Overpopulation problem in Bangladesh


Population problem is not only hampering our family and social life abut also increasing unemployment problem.  Many people do not get job after completion of his / her education. So population problem increase unemployment problem also.

Bangladesh is a country of 1,47,570 sq. km. only that is not enough for 16 crore people. So we are losing cultivated land and forest for new residence. There are huge crowd in the Market, Hospital, bus & launch terminal, footpath, etc. like a fair place. Population problem affects the environment also.

Population of Bangladesh



Bangladesh Population statistics in 4 decades from 1974

Population in 1974 : 71479 millions

Population in 1981 : 87,120 millions

Population in 1991 : 106,313 millions

Population in 2001: 124,355 millions

Population in 2011: 142,319 millions


Every year Bangladesh affected by flood and natural calamity that impact the growing of food. We spend huge foreign currency to import food during flood or disaster that affects our economy. We should produce more food by using modern technology.

Living in the high density area and lake of nutrition people getting sick and dying without treatment. There are only one public hospital with few doctors and nurses in a Upazila in Bangladesh which is not enough to provide modern healthcare support to the poor people.

If we can provide proper education to all children in primary school, high school, college and university level than one day these populations can be a source of manpower as recently we earning huge foreign currency by exporting manpower. Now we export unskilled people those are getting low salary. If we can export skilled manpower then we can earn more foreign currency.

Population problem shelter in Bangladesh

There are many ways that should be applied to stop the high growing rate of population. The Government of Bangladesh has been taking many programs to control the population of Bangladesh. Early marriage should be banned to control population.  No family should be allowed to have more than 2 children. Every family should know the consequences of the population problem and they should plan for their family. People should be educated so they know how to live with happy and healthy family. If the whole population is educated then growth rate of population will decrease and people will understand the problem of high density of population.

We should have wide publicity about the consequences of high birth rate through media. The government and people of Bangladesh should work together to solve the population problem.