Currency exchange rates in Kuwait are available for a wide range of countries, including India, Pakistan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, the USA, the UK, and others. You can check the conversion rates from Kuwaiti Dinar to Indian Rupees, Bangladeshi Taka, and Philippine Peso. For the most accurate rates, contact Al Mulla Exchange.
The Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) is the official currency of Kuwait and is subdivided into 1,000 fils. As one of the world’s wealthiest nations, Kuwait’s Dinar is the highest-valued currency globally.
Current conversion rates for Kuwaiti Dinar to Indian Rupees, Pakistani Rupees, Bangladeshi Taka, and Philippine Peso are available.
Al Mulla exchange rate today Indian rupees
Enter any amount in the box, select Kuwaiti Dinar if it’s not already chosen, and then select your desired currency, such as Indian Rupees, Pakistani Rupees, Bangladeshi Taka, or Philippine Peso, to view the converted amount.
Please note that the actual exchange rates may vary from those displayed on our site, as we frequently gather and update currency conversion rates.
Before selling or buying any currency from an exchange house, you can compare rates with others to ensure you get the highest possible rate.
Denominations of Kuwaiti Dinar are 0.25 Dinar, 0.50 Dinar, 1, 5, 20 Dinars. Kuwaiti currency coins are 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 fils.
Popular and trusted money exchange companies in the Kuwait are al mulla exchange, Dollarco, City International exchange, Oman Exchange Company, Kuwait Bahrain International Exchange, Al Muzaini Exchange, Wall Street Currency Exchange company.
Kuwait to India currency and al mulla exchange rate
Currency Exchange House | Kuwaiti Dinar to
India Rupees |
Kuwaiti Dinar to
Philippine Peso |
Kuwait Currency in
Bangladeshi Taka |
Kuwait Currency in
Pakistan Rupee |
Sri Lankan rupee | Nepalese rupee |
Wall Street Money Exchange | 233.62 | 172.76 | 276.08 | 458.18 | 601.83 | 372.79 |
Dollarco Exchange | 233.96 | 171.44 | 276.26 | 458.95 | 600.90 | 371.94 |
Al Mulla Exchange Rate | 233.98 | 172.50 | 276.30 | 458.96 | 600.95 | 371.97 |
UAE Exchange | 233.26 | 171.77 | 276.83 | 458.09 | 601.86 | 372.71 |
Oman Exchange Company | 234.30 | 172.47 | 276.27 | 458.18 | 601.09 | 371.70 |
Kuwait Bahrain International Exchange | 233.81 | 171.99 | 276.33 | 457.06 | 600.99 | 371.58 |
Al Muzaini Exchange | 233.55 | 171.78 | 276.06 | 458.72 | 600.37 | 370.55 |
City International Exchange | 234.46 | 172.50 | 275.90 | 467.73 | 600.83 | 372.87 |
Convert Kuwaiti Dinar to Egypt Pound, Kuwaiti currency to Syrian Pound, Exchange Kuwait dinar to UAE, Saudi, Qatari, Bahraini, Jordanina Dinar.
Kuwaiti Dinar Exchange rates from Different exchange companies including al Mulla exchange rate today Indian rupees
Currency Exchange Company | Egypt Pound | Labanese Pound | Syria pound | UAE Dirham | Saudi Riayal | Qatari Riyal | Bahraini Dinar | Jordanian Dinar | Omani Rial |
Wall Street money exchange | 59.48 | 4933.20 | 1699.80 | 12.12 | 12.40 | 11.85 | 1.22 | 2.34 | 1.28 |
Dollarco money exchange | 59.28 | 4933.20 | 1698.80 | 12.16 | 12.27 | 11.89 | 1.21 | 2.35 | 1.27 |
Oman Exchange Company | 59.13 | 4933.20 | 1699.70 | 12.15 | 12.30 | 11.80 | 1.20 | 2.34 | 1.26 |
Al Muzaini Exchange | 59.32 | 4932.90 | 1698.80 | 12.13 | 12.35 | 11.89 | 1.20 | 2.34 | 1.25 |
Al Mulla Exchange Rate | 59.35 | 4933.20 | 1699.50 | 12.15 | 12.30 | 11.88 | 1.22 | 2.35 | 1.26 |
City International | 59.12 | 4933.12 | 1699.50 | 12.12 | 12.29 | 11.88 | 1.23 | 2.33 | 1.25 |
Kuwait Bahrain International Exchange | 59.41 | 4932.80 | 1699.60 | 12.13 | 12.41 | 11.98 | 1.21 | 2.30 | 125 |
- In Kuwait India exchange rate today from al mulla, collected from reliable sources.
We collected rates from the money exchange company and try to provide you accurate rates but the rate of any currency can be changed any time. So just get an idea and preparation these rates.
Al Mulla exchange
Kuwaiti Dinar to USD, GBP, EURO, Canada , Australia dollar.
Currency Exchange Bank | Kuwaiti Dinar to
Kuwaiti Dinar to
Kuwaiti Dinar to
Kuwaiti Dinar to
Kuwaiti Dinar to
Ethiopean Birr
Dollarco Money Exchange | 3.30 | 2.56 | 2.90 | 4.38 | 4.60 | 93.12 |
City International exchange | 3.31 | 2.55 | 2.89 | 4.37 | 4.58 | 93.10 |
Oman Exchange Company | 3.33 | 2.56 | 2.89 | 4.36 | 4.59 | 93.12 |
Kuwait Bahrain International Exchange | 3.28 | 2.57 | 2.88 | 4.37 | 4.58 | 93.11 |
Al Muzaini Exchange | 3.33 | 2.53 | 2.87 | 4.38 | 4.55 | 93.10 |
Wall Street Currency Exchange | 3.34 | 2.54 | 2.90 | 4.39 | 4.61 | 93.13 |
Kuwaiti Currency to USA Dollar, Kuwaiti Money to Britain Pound, Kuwaiti Dinar to EURO, Kuwaiti exchange rate to Canada CAD, Australian AUD.
Call them Before going to Al Mulla exchange branch office or main to know al mulla exchange rate
Al Mulla Exchange rate
Call al Lulla exchange for rate
telephone: 00965 1840123
Al Mulla exchange Head Office
Block- 10, Second Floor
Ahmed Saleh & Sons Building
(Near KPTC Bus Stand0 Murgab
PO Box NO. 177, Safat 13002, Kuwait.
Al Mulla exchange at Souq Sharq
Shop No. -29, Ground Floor next to Morad Behbehani Watches
To Know Al Mulla exchange Rate please call, telephone: 52553718
Al Mulla exchange at Murgab 2
Al Mowaish Building, Ground floor, Opposite KPTC Building, Shuhada street, Murgab
For Al Mullah exchange Rate please call, telephone: 51780453
Watiya 2
Burgan Bank Bldg Opposite of UTC
For Al Mullah exchange Rate please call, telephone: – 51780444
Jaber Al Ali
Block -8, Shop- 23, Dahiya Jaber Al Ali Co-operative society, Jaber Al Ali
For Al Mullah exchange Rate please call, telephone:- 97202967
Block 1, Near london hospital, Opposite Jamiya, Fintas
For Al Mullah exchange Rate to indian rupees, please call, telephone:- 98003282
Al Mulla exchange at Mahboula 1
Block -1, Building -30 & 31, Shop- 1 & 2 (Almulla building) Al Ranize street, Mahboula
For Al Mullah exchange Rate, please call, telephone: 97229069
Abu Halifa 3
Block -1, Street -9, Al Razi Street, Abu halifa
For Al Mullah exchange Rate to Bangladesh Taka, please call, telephone: 60021763
Mangaf 2
Block-4,Street No -21, Karafi Building No -80, Shop -58 Ground Floor, Mangaf
For Al Mullah exchange Rate to pakistani rupees, please call, telephone: 94065007
Egaila 1
Shop -12, Ground Floor, Badar Al Duwayiekh Complex, Behind Al Bairaq Towers, Fintas Center
For Al Mullah exchange Rate please call, telephone: 97208748
Fahaheel 4
Block- 8 Street -34, Building- 10, Souk Sabah(Near Sas Resturant), Fahaheel
Call – 51780462
Mahboula 4
Block 2, Alia Hospital, Mahboula
Telephone – 98003281
Al Mulla exchange at Jahra 1
Bldg – 53, Al Khazamy Street, Opposite to Sultan Center, Jahra
Contact – 51780437
Jahra 2 – AL mulla exchange Kuwait
New Mahalas, Building no 7, Near Al Alamia Mall, Beside Wazeer Market, Jahra
Tel: 97215519
Farwaniya 6
Bldng 170, Al Ardan St, Near Tadhamon stadium, Farwaniya
Al Mullah exchange Rate: telephone: 98003276
Farwaniya 5
Block 4,Ground Floor, Bldng 7, Street 104, Near to Gazali Signal
Tel: 51780441
Riggae 1 – al Mulla exchange Kuwait
Block 14, Building No – B24, Ground Floor, Hotel Street, Riggae, Kuwait (Near Ajial Bilingual School)
For Al Mullah exchange Rate please call, telephone: 51780438
Khaitan 3
Block 6, Street 36, Near to Start Hotel,
Contact – 97229892
Hawally 5
Shop 10, Building 5 Tunis Street, Hawally
Contact – 97261733
Hawally 4
Quitaiba Street, Hawally
Contact – 51780448
Salwa 2
Block 1, street 2, Kalid Building, Salwa
Contact – 51780466 to Today al mulla exchange rates.
Salmiya 7
Bldg 4/9A Ground Flr. Shop No. 22 Near Olympia Tower
Contact – 51780467
Salmiya 3
Block 3 Hamdul Mubarak Street, Building No 133, Near Holiday Inn Hotel, Ras Salmiya
Contact – 51780458 to know al mulla exchange rates
Salmiya 2
Block 195, Mughere Bin Shuhada St, Bldng 10, Opposite Salmiya Chappell, Salmiya
Call – 51780457 for latest al mulla exchange rate today.
Salmiya 6
Block- 6, Building -60, Al Awazim st., Ras Al Salmiya
Phone- 97270980
Saba Salem
Block -3, Building -11, Ground Floor, Sabah Al Salem
Call: 52553724 for al mulla exchange rate today.
Shop no- 7, Ground floor, Plot no -32, Complex no -3, Abu Fatira area, Qurain
tel: 98003280
Mubaraq Al Kabeer
Mubaraq Al Kabeer & Qurain Co-Operative Society in Mubaraq Al Kabeer Area
For Al Mullah exchange Rate please call, telephone: 52556069
You can compare al mulla exchange rate with other money exchange company in Kuwait to get better rate.
Top currency Exchange company in Kuwait
Dollarco helps customers to send money and provide for your loved ones almost anywhere in the world. Whether you’re sending money for education, healthcare or groceries, we offer money transfer services to help you send your support to family quickly.
Kuwait Bahrain International Exchange link
Kuwait Bahrain International Exchange Company – Kuwaiti Public Shareholding Company – was formed on April 2, 1980. KBE was listed at Kuwait Stock Exchange on June 19,2006. The Exchange Company was supported by one of the world’s premiere Bank till 1993 with their dedicated banking professionals.
Wall Street Exchange site
Since Wall Street Exchange has been established in Kuwait, It find out values and concepts in the field pertaining to the management and marketing of banking business taking, several positive and favorable steps towards a future vision for business trends as well as for our money exchange progress plans in connection with the banking business.
City International Exchange url
City International Exchange is one of the premier exchange companies in Kuwait, trusted since 1984 by residents and corporations, as well as our correspondents worldwide, to provide clients with excellent end-to-end remittance services from all most all locations through out the country.
Oman Exchange Company
Oman Exchange Company Founded in 1979, It is a leading exchange company operating in Kuwait. With an expansive and rapidly-growing branch network across Kuwait, OEC delivers a suite of fully-compliant financial solutions includes individual & commercial remittances, local and international currency exchange, wholesale banknote operations, remitance solutions and other value-added services.
Al Muzaini Exchange in Kuwait visit
Al Muzaini was first incorporated in 1942 under the name, ABDUL AZIZ AND ALI AL YOUSIF ALMUZAINI, to operate currency exchange business in Kuwait. On the 26th of January 1995 we transformed to a Closed Shareholding Company under the name: Al Muzaini Exchange Co. However, our values did not change. During the last Seven decades, we have grown from limited branches and a small team, to over 70 locations in operation and a large employee base.
UAE Exchange Centre visit here
UAE Exchange Centre WLL is one of the best exchange houses in Kuwait. UAE Exchange was established in the year 1983. Registered with the ministry of commerce and approved by the Central Bank of Kuwait in 1986. In 31 years of existence, the company has grown to be one of the best currency exchange company in Kuwait, presently having 23 branches. UAE Exchange deals in Remittances like Bank Transfers, Instant Money Transfers and Foreign Exchange Business.
Note: AL mulla exchange rate today Indian rupees is subject to change any time. These rates are for your information only, accurate will let you know when you will buy or sell currency.
Al mulla exchange rate Co is regulated by Kuwaiti national bank. Al mulla exchange rates are very renowned and trusted by millions of active customers within a very short time. Al mulla exchange rate or rates today has regional and worldwide ambitions.