Many think that the only census conducted in Kuwait is the Population Census conducted by the Ministry of Interior. This census is held once a year and is the basis for all official population statistics. In addition, Birth, Death, and migration statistics are also published annually.
Kuwait is located in the western part of the Arabian Peninsula, which is about 65 kilometers away from the country’s capital city. During the early years of modern Kuwaiti history, the city had three distinct districts, the central province, the district which was bordered by the sea to the north, to the south, and to the east and the southern province, also bordered by the sea and to the west.
The coastal area and the more fertile agricultural and rural area were located north and west of the capital. With the opening up of roads during the first half of the twentieth century, commercialization of this city moved southward along the southern coastal strip and to the south-eastern part of the rural area, as well as along the coast and towards the eastern part of the city center.
Today, there are only two large population centers in Kuwait. These are Kuwait City, which is the metropolitan area, and Kuwait City International Airport, which is the major airport of the country.
Although there are many nationalities in Kuwait, they comprise only about three percent of the total population. Although Arabs are the largest group in Kuwait, other minority groups like the Chinese, Palestinians, Turks, Europeans, and other countries, are also a part of the population.
Kuwait is known for its oil industry and the main source of income. All products in Kuwait are produced by the oil industry. Trade between Kuwait and various countries is not that complicated; the main customers of Kuwait are the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Oman.
There are many wealthy Kuwaitis who reside in the United Arab Emirates. It is estimated that this wealthy class makes about five times more than the average worker in Kuwait. Their number increases by the day.
The government of Kuwait provides allowances to the poor and wealthy people, but most of the citizens are the victims of poverty. Nevertheless, some people in Kuwait have become very wealthy through the natural oil wealth.
There are no people in Kuwait who are deeply involved in the oil industry. The people from the oil industry do not have a good reputation of corruption.
Several government agencies are responsible for the well being of the Kuwaiti people. One of the government agencies responsible for the well being of the people is the Kuwait National Society for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice.
Population statistics are compiled by the Kuwait Population and Housing Agency. According to the Kuwait National Society for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, Kuwait population growth has steadily increased in the last years; it has increased to about six hundred thousand and there are some expectations that the figure will continue to increase in the future.
The Kuwaiti people do not have any pride in their country, which is the reason why they welcome emigration to other parts of the world. Most emigrants that leave their homeland to seek their fortune in foreign lands do so in large numbers.