Growth of Population in Capital Cities
The People to population ratio in a country is its most important statistic which gives you a rough idea about the area of an area. For example, a small city of Delhi may have more people than a big city of Mumbai. As the population of a city increases so does the size of the city as per the number of people.
There are many capital cities that come under the list of Indian capitals. However, there are many factors that influence the growth of a nation such as education, technology, infrastructure, culture, etc.
Knowing the criteria used to classify the areas, one can get a clearer idea of what are the capital city of India and what are the other cities of India. Capital cities are normally located in the northern region of India.
How a capital city got its name, is another important question that is asked. For example, Delhi, Chandigarh, Chennai, Agra, Jaipur, Mumbai, Kolkata, etc.
Moreover, there are many institutions and centres that are dedicated for keeping an eye on the growth of a country. Institutions like National Institute of Population and Development Studies, Bhubaneswar, Institute of Statistics, Dang, Institute of Development Studies, IIT Kharagpur, etc.
Population of capital city is important since the state of this city affects the growth of the country. People to population ratio shows the health of a state, because the population of the state has been compared with the population of the whole country.
The capital city is also known as the central capital of the country. When you look at the political strength of a state, you will find that states which are rich in natural resources are the ones that are weak.
This means that they need to be supported by the nation. In order to understand the growth of a country, one needs to study how many people are in a single state and the size of a population of a country.
In terms of the population of a nation, one should know that a nation can also be divided into several provinces. A region of the country can be divided into multiple provinces as per the demand and the geographical conditions.
The increase in population growth is the basic factor in determining the importance of a city. As there are many cities of India, it is impossible to say that the former India capital cities are important than the newer capital cities of India.
However, it is equally difficult to say that the population of a city has affected the growth of the state of a country. Therefore, it is necessary to study a variety of data sources and study the statistical factors to decide whether a city is important or not.
It is also necessary to know the increase in population growth to be able to make the right political decision. Other than the political requirements, the growth of population is also important to determine the success of the country.