
Chat Room Technology for Real Time Conferencing

Chat Room is one kind of service provided by the tech-house to make the exchange of views and ideas among the users, scattered over large area. It has emerged to meet the communication need of users, who are very much adapted in fast moving ICT, want to have instant communication with their peer group members who have the common need.

Users join to the chatting by logging in with their pre-enrolled unique username and password. So that any unwanted person cannot interfere into the chatting.

Chat Room

When this peer to peer communication is made live, means end to end chatting is made on the instant is called real time conferencing. This is like real life business conferencing except the participants are remained in areas distant from each other. They are interlinked via electronic devices like giant screen TV monitor, computer, android mobile phone set, webcam, mouth speaker and last but not the least- a fast and secured internet connection, without which all these sort instant communication were impossible.

Chat room technology has made this real time conferencing possible driven by the technological innovation of both sophisticated hardware and software items. This technology is mostly used by the news broadcasting TV channels, multinational companies who have footprints around the globe, hospitals and clinics, universities. Each of these users derive their own benefits in line with their own business, such as- TV channels collect live news from their correspondent stationed in abroad standing at the very site of the news which currently covering, multinational companies use it to reduce the time and money expensed in travelling its executives, hospitals and clinics use it to have the opinion of the foreign specialist doctors who can observe the patients as well as his/her investigation reports, students of doctoral studies can instantly communicate with their fellow researchers or to the instructor.

Chat room services provide two types of conferencing services- synchronous and asynchronous. Synchronous conferencing are the most widely used because of its fastness. It’s a real-time online chat and direct interaction with strangers (e.g., online forums) visualizing graphical environments.

Although the primary purpose of it is to disseminate information in the text form to a number of other users. The main benefit of chat room over instant messaging program is the provision to simultaneously talk with multiple people at the same time, which is not in instant messaging programs.

Chat room technology is not confined to chatting only, file sharing permissible up to a limited size The users are generally connected via a shared interest or other similar connection, and chat rooms exist catering for a wide range of subjects. New technology has enabled the use of file sharing and webcam to be included in some programs.

Talkomatic is the pioneering online chat system created by Doug Brown and David R. Woolley in 1973 at the University of Illinois. The firstever dedicated online chat service widely available to the public was the CompuServe CB Simulator in 1980. Now there are as many as hundreds of chat room service providers in the web. LiveChat, Olark, Zopim, Comm100 Live Chat, SnapEngage , Chat Room, Quick Chat are few of them. They offer wide range of services, means complete communication solutions with minimal level of cost.

This emerging sector of high-tech is very much competitive. Each of the service providers is trying to exceed their competitors in terms of service and price level.

Visual chat rooms include graphics in either 2D or 3D mode to enrich the chat experience like gaming or any other entertainment services, obviously at a higher profit margin.

Some of the teen aged users play games in chat rooms by means of external process like IRC, where the participants are engaged being at distant points. There are also interactive games like Trivia question & answer. The most prevalent example is Hunt the Wumpus, a Chatroom based implementations of the Mafia game. Text-based gaming like MUDs is there, in which gamer interact within a textual, interactive fictitious environment.

Users of Chat Rooms which are intended particularly for children are subject fulfillment of certain rules and norms to be abide by. These rules are shown at the time of log in. Unacceptable language, which tend to hurt others or promotes hatefulness, promotes violence, impersonating another user are strictly barred. Even the account may be closed. Chat rooms also bar advertising with repetitive text.

Operations in chat rooms are moderated in different ways like putting cap on the number of participant allowed to speak subject to comments be approved by the moderators or by continuous patrolling of the venue to search for any undesirable behavior. However now days, most popular chat rooms are not so strictly controlled and users have the discretion to chat freely with their counterparts.