
Bangabandhu satellite -1 of Bangladesh

Bangabandhu Satellite -1 (BS-1)  was launched on May 11, 2018 operated by  Bangladesh Communication Satellite Company Limited (BCSCL). Bongobondhu Satellite -1 manufactured by Thales Alenia Space duration of Mission is 15 years.

Bangladesh own first satellite orbital location is 119.1° East longitude which was launched  from Florida, USA.  Bongobondhu Satellite 01 was sent by Rocket Falcon 9 Block 5 from Kennedy Space Center operated by SpaceX. The celebration of the satellite launching was held in Bangladesh and USA.

Bangabandhu satellite -1 : Launched Date: May 11, 2018.


Technical Specification of Bangabandhu Satellite-1

Bangabandhu Satellite-1 has 26 Ku Band transponders and 14 C Band transponders. C Band and Ku Band transponders have coverage in the area of Bangladesh, Bay of Bengal (Bangladesh area), India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lankan, Philippine and Indonesia.Bangabandhu Satellite

Bangladesh is situated at 90.4 degree longitude but the Bongobondhu Satellite 01 is situated at the orbital place of 119.2 degree longitude. Distance between Bangladesh and Bongobondhu Satellite is about 35,786 KM.

What kinds of Services can be provided by Bongobondhu Satellite?

Bangabandhu satellite is a communication satellite able to provide (1) TV broadcasting, (2) Radio Broadcasting and (3) V-sat Services.

1) DTH: Multiplexed digital television, radio and data services to small radio antenas.
2) Video Distribution: Multiplexed digital television, Radio and Data services to mideum antenas.
3) V-sat Private Network : Voice, Data, Internet services to private own networks.
4) Internet: High Speed internet services.
5) WAN : High Speed Internet services trough WAN connection. (Office to Office within same network)

Bongobodhu Satellite will help us very much during national disaster, cyclone, heavy flood, sidor, Earthquick or other national calamities. By using V-sat service of Bongobondhu satellite, users can connect each other from one place to another in the affected areas. But the user should buy a small device from V-sat based telecommunication service providers.

Bongobondhu Satellite

Bongobondhu Satellite is unavailable to provide following services:

– Weather forecast and Atmospherics Study.
Astronomy study.
– Navigation services.
– Remote Search and Rescue.
– Capturing Picture.
– Videography.
– Space Observation.
– Lighting Imaging during storme.
– Electromegenetic wave monitoring.
– Width and Height Measurement.
– Accurate Road Map.
– Distance Calculation.
– Weather Changes Monitoring.
and other – Specialized Research.

There is no camera on the Bongobondhu Satellite for capturing image or video.

Bangabandhu satellite -01

Satellite is an modern invented artificial object which is placed into Orbit. Bangladesh launched first satellite “Bangabandhu satellite -01 ”  into space in 2018. Earlier, Posts and Telecommunication minister of Bangladesh announced the   satellite project Bangabandhu satellite 01 on March 29, 2010. Bangladesh government assigned US base Space Partnership International (SPI) as the consulting firm for the satellite project. Bangladesh Telecommunication Regularity Commission (BTRC) started work in 2008 for the Bangabandhu satellite -1.

nearly 20 countries including the USA, Russia, France and Australia raised objections that their satellite communication would be disrupted if Bangladesh was given that slot. – See more at: http://www.dhakatribune.com/sci-amp-tech/2013/sep/15/bangabandhu-1-satellite-project-ready#sthash.d1R0B8tK.dpuf

BTRC has been working with International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to allow orbit slot 102 degree east but USA, France, Russia, Australia and many other countries raised objection that their satellite will not work if Bangladesh is given 102 degree east.

Bongobondhu satellite

Finnaly, BTRC decided to buy orbital slot 119 degree east instead of 102 degree and 69 degree from a Russian company with a cost of Tk. 217.7 billion for 15 Bangabandhu Satellite of Bangladeshyears Bangabandhu-1 satellite. But Bangladesh would book 2 slots at 102 degree east and 69 degree east for Bangabandhu-1 satellite good service in future. Initially  cost of Bangabandhu-1 satellite project  Tk. 32.48 billion placed to Ecnec.

Primarily Characteristics of Bangabandhu-1 satellite are  Direct to Home (DTH), VSAT, Backhaul  & Trunking, Disaster preparedness, Network restoration, etc.

In the beginning, the Satellite Banagandhu-1 will provide services to Bangladesh and neighboring countries and later service area would be South East Asia, Europe, Middle East and East Africa if orbital slot available.

Bangladesh spends about $11 million annually on satellite rents for television channels, telephone connectivity and radio stations. After successfully completion Bangabandhu-1 satellite setup Bangladesh will earn around $50 dollar annually.

Bongobondhu Satellite Landing Station
The first satellite was Sputnik-1 was launched by Russia  in 1957. There are 3600 satellites are running in orbit owned by 50 countries of the world including India and Pakistan. Satellite are placed at 20000 kilometer to 36000 kilometer orbit and It is semi-independent  computer controlled systems.

Bangladesh is the 57th country in space wtih Bangabandhu-1 satellite. India has 14 Satellites. There is no satellite own by any other SAARC member country.