Royal Bengal Tiger – bagh one of the biggest living felines on earth, has a place with family Felidae, request Carnivora. The Royal Bengal Tiger – Panthera tigris is perceived as the national creature of BANGLADESH & is eminent as the Royal Bengal Tiger.

Its body is rich yellow to rosy ochre in shading with vertically organized dark stripes, more affirmed towards the rear end & thighs; its underparts are whitish. Illustrious Bengal Tiger offspring are conceived with stripes. The yellow tail has a progression of dark rings & winds up with a dark tip. The posterior of the ears is dark & has an obviously noticeable white spot.

 Royal Bengal Tiger

 royal bengal tiger

Royal Bengal Tiger

Regal Bengal Tiger has round students, retractile hooks, head-body length 140-280 cm, & a tail measuring 60-110 cm. Its tallness at its shoulder is 95-110 cm; guys measure 180-280 kg & females 115-185 kg; the female is littler.

The heaviest tiger that has been recorded in the Guinness Book of Records at 465 kg is the Amur – Siberian Tiger – Panthera tigris attaica.

Royal Bengal Tiger go after medium to vast warm blooded creatures, for example, deer, wild pigs & porcupines. They can cut down creatures twice their size. Prey species decide what number of tigers can make due in a given region. A dexterous creature, it swims well, & watches its region by stamping it with droppings & different signs. Imperial Bengal Tiger are monogamous & normally conceive 2-5 offspring after an incubation time of around 14-15 weeks; most of the fledglings are conceived in the middle of February & May & breast fed by their moms for 5-6 months. The youthful whelps stay with their mom for a year or more. A female turns out to be sexually develop in 3 years & a male in 4 years.

In Bangladesh Royal Bengal Tiger were once found in every woodland, except are presently restricted to the mangrove woods of the SUNDARBANS, & are dealt with as a discriminatingly imperiled animal groups.

Of the 8 subspecies of tigers five still survive:

the Royal Bengal Tiger – Panthera tigris tigris lives in Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Western Myanmar & Nepal;

the Amur – Siberian Tiger – P. t. attaica in Siberia, Manchuria & Northeast China;

the south ChinaAmoy Tiger – P. t. ameyensis in China;

the Sumatran Tiger – P. t. sumatrae in Sumatra;

and the Indo-Chinese Tiger – P. t. corbetti in Cambodia, China, Laos, Malaysia, Eastern Myanmar, Thailand & Vietnam.

Three subspecies of tigers

the Javan Tiger – P. t. sondaica,

the Bali Tiger – P. t. balica,

and the Caspian – Turan/Hyrcanian Tiger – P. t. virgata have become extinct in the last 50 years.

Total  live Tigers in the World

It is estimated that fewer than 7,000 tigers survive in the wild in the following countries:

Bangladesh – 300-362.

Bhutan – 67-81.

China – 110-140.

India – 2,500-3,750.

Myanmar – 230-465.

Nepal – 93-97.

Russia – 330-337,

Vietnam – 200,

Cambodia – 150-300,

Laos – ?,

North Korea – c 10,

Thailand – 250-501,

Malaysia – 491-510,

and Indonesia – 400-500.

Facts of Tiger

– Tiger can eat about 40 kg meat in a meal
– Largest members of cat family
– Tiger like to live alone & keep their rivals away
– The roar of Tiger can hear from 2km at night.
– Females tiger give birth to 2 to 5 cubs,
– tiger is good swimmers
– tigers’ night vision is about six times better than humans
– Tigers scratch trees & use their urine to mark their territories,
– The stripes on each tiger are unique.
– few tiger develop a taste for human flesh & become man-eaters.
– Tigers can run at over 60km/hour.
– Nomally one in 10 tigers hunts are successful, that’s why they pass several days without eating.
– Tigers life is about 25 years