
Khaleda Zia

Begum Khaleda Zia was born on August 15, 1945, was a former Prime Minister of Bangladesh, having served from 1991 to 1996, turning into the first woman prime minister  of Bangladesh . Khaleda served again from 2001 to 2006. Khaleda Zia, also Chairperson of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP), one of two largest Political party of Bangladesh.

Khaleda Zia Childhood and Earlylife

Begum Khaleda Zia’s father name was Iskandar Majumdar who was an occupant businessman in Dinajpur District of Bangladesh. After the segment of India in 1947, Iskandar Majumdar left his tea-business at Jalpaiguri of current India and settled in Dinajpur town. Khaleda Zia at first went to Dinajpur Missionary School and later she passed ssc from Dinajpur Girls’ School in 1960. At the same time, Khaleda Zia was married to the then Captain Ziaur Rahman, who later turned into the Bangladesh’s President. Khaleda Zia proceeded with her instruction at Surendranath College of Dinajpur District until 1965 when she went to West Pakistan to go along with her spouse Ziaur Rahman.

With the start of the Liberation war of Bangladesh in March 1971, Ziaur Rahman rebelled against the Pakistan armed force &  joined the freedom war. The Pakistan occupation armed force took Khaleda Zia under authority in Dhaka, and she was living in Dhaka when Bangladesh accomplished triumph on 16 December,  1971. After the ruthless death of her husband President Ziaur Rahman on 30 May 1981, the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) he established confronted genuine emergency. Equity Abdus Sattar, the new administrator of BNP furthermore the President of Bangladesh was expelled from the administration by a military upset organized by the then armed force boss General Hussein Mohammad Ershad, who announced military law on 24 March 1982.

Khaleda Zia in Jail

Begum Khaleda Zia political life

Around then, many leaders of  BNP left the gathering and joined the military government of Ershad. At this discriminating point, Khaleda Zia turned into the VP of BNP and on 10 May 1984, she was chosen its administrator. Under the leadership of Khaleda Zia, BNP shaped a 7-gathering cooperation in 1983 & dispatched a constant battle against the dictatorial administration of General Hossain M. Ershad. Amid the 9-year long battle against Military regime of Ershad, Khaleda Zia did not trade off with his domineering and illegitimate government. The Ershad-government confined her movementsthrough utilization of restrictive laws. Khaleda was confined a few times in 8  years. Anyway, resolute, Khaleda Zia kept on giving administration in the development to expelling Hossain Muhammad Ershad.

Ziaur Rahman former Bangladesh president

Notwithstanding a mass upsurge initiated by the unions drove by Khaleda Zia and Sheikh Hasina, Ershad finally gave over energy to an impartial overseer government headed by Justice Shahabuddin Ahmed on 6 December,  1990. In the parliamentary decisions held under this legislature on 27 February, 1991, Bangladesh Nationalist Party BNP rose successful as a solitary dominant part party. Khaleda Zia challenged from five supporters in 3 successive parliamentary races and won in all the seats in the Parliamentary election.


On 20 March, 1991, Khaleda Zia was confirmed as the first Woman prime minister of Bangladesh. She guided the notable 12th sacred correction charge that was gone in the Jatiya Sangsad on 6 August, 1991 to reintroduce the parliamentary type of government set up of the presidential government in Bangladesh. Khaleda took vow as the PM under the new framework on 19 September 1991.

Khaleda Zia – First Woman Prime Minister of Bangladesh.

While in force amid 1991-96, Khaleda Zia’s administration accomplished impressive advance in the instruction area, including presentation of free and obligatory essential training, educational cost free instruction for young ladies up to class ten, stipend for female understudies and the Food for Education program. It additionally went to the credit of her administration that amid this period, tree ranch had turn into an across the nation social development. Further, it was amid this period that the physical development of the Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge had begun. Khaleda Zia assumed an excellent part in revitalizing the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) by facilitating a summit in Dhaka in 1993.  Her manage, be that as it may, was truly disturbed by the resistance development for a guardian government for holding parliamentary decisions, which was dispatched by the real restriction political gatherings including the Awami League, Jatiya Party and the Jamaat-e- Islami in 1994.

Begum Khaleda Zia former Bangladesh Prime MinisterKhaleda Zia turned into the leader for a brief moment successive term after BNP developed successful in the general races for the 6th Jatiya Sangsad hung on 15 February 1996. All real resistance parties, nonetheless, boycotted the races. Their interest was to convey change to the Constitution for making the procurement of an unbiased guardian government for directing parliamentary decisions. To meet these requests, the 6th Jatiya Sangsad made the 13th amendment to the Constitution, after which the Jatiya Sangsad was broken down and Khaleda Zia gave over energy to an overseer government on 30 March 1996. In the surveys that took after under the overseer government headed by Justice Muhammad Habibur Rahman on 12 June 1996, BNP was vanquished by the Awami League.

Opposition Leader Khaleda Zia

Amid the 1996-2001 residency of the Awami League government, Khaleda Zia assumed the part of Leader of the Opposition in the Jatiya Sangsad. In the following parliamentary races held under a nonpartisan guardian government headed by Justice Latifur Rahman on 1 October 2001, the BNP-drove four-gathering partnership won more than 66% of the seats in the Jatiya Sangsad. On 10 October 2001, Khaleda Zia was confirmed as thecountry’s leader for the third time.

Tarek ziaKhaleda Zia’s third residency in office was stamped by a lofty ascent in fare profit and settlements sent by exile Bangladeshi specialists, a sound development in the modern and telecom segment, slow ascent in outside direct ventures, debasement embarrassments, Operation Clean Heart and arrangement of Rapid Action Battalion for enhancing the lawfulness circumstance, and huge crackdown against Islamic fundamentalist outfits including the JMB and HUJI. She exited office on 28 October 2006, yet her gathering could oversee just 30 seats in the Ninth Jatiya Sangsad decision hung on 29 December 2008 under the 2-year long guardian legislature of Dr. Fakhruddin Ahmed. Amid the overseer principle of 2007-8, various debasement arguments were recorded against Khaleda Zia and she was kept restricted for just about one year. She is presently the Leader of the Opposition in the current Jatiya Sangsad.

It was the Khaleda government which constituted an Anti Corruption Commission through an Act went by the Jatiya Sangsad as a successor association to the past Bureau of Anti-Corruption. Another outstanding regulatory measure taken by the Khaleda government was the presentation of another national pay scale for government hirelings in 2005.

Arafat Rahman cocoAmid the third residency of Prime Minister Khaleda Zia, Bangladesh was chosen to 13 UN bodies, including the United Nations Human Rights Council, Peace Building Commission and ECOSOC. In addition, Bangladesh turned into an individual from the ASEAN Regional Forum. She likewise released the obligation of SAARC Chairperson in the wake of facilitating the 2005 summit. Bangladesh likewise assumed a critical part in worldwide peace activities amid the period by sending the most elevated number of troops to the United Nations Peacekeeping Missions. The administration loaned its entire hearted backing toward the West in the war against global terrorism, however in the meantime the Khaleda administration endeavored to fortify commonly advantageous and agreeable associations with the Muslim nations of the world.