Jamdani Sharee Mysterious history of fashion

Jamdani Sharee is the deluxe muslin textiles fashioned in Dhaka city of Bangladesh for centuries. The historical Jamdani sharee was patronized by the Mughal emperors Under BC. the jamdani and the muslin industries hurriedly declined because of colonial importing policies and affected textile.

Now a days the iamdani sharee has witnessed a renovation in Bangladesh. UNESCO has declared the traditional JAMDANI as a cultural Heritage.dhakai saree.jpg

Jamdani sharee is formerly known as Dhakai. It was named after the Dhaka city. There were many ancient weaving centers of textile in region of Bangla. Under the Empire of Mughal the Persian term Jamdani sharee held to be in admired utilize as it was the court words of the Mughal emperors.

The term Jamdani is Persian deriving from ‘Jam’, significance flower, and ‘Dani’, indicates a vase or a pot, that means jamdani decorative floral patterns which found on Dhakai textile. Jamdanis are widely known as Dhakai Jamdani or basically Dhakai. The initial jamdani mention and its development industry was found in Dhaka.jamdani sharee

The source of the Dhakai Jamdani sharee is covered in mysterious history, Greek ambassador was attracted on Indian cotton cloth. He found their ancient colored stripes and patterns then they started with finest muslin, which came to be recognized as the Dhakai Jamdani in the Mughal age.

The Jamdani weaving tradition is of Bengali origin. It is the most manual forms of hand loom weaving. In the 90thcentury, James Taylor was described the flowered jamdani sharee. At that time T. N. Mukharji also referred to this textile as jamdani muslin sharee.

Jamdani sharee is a fabric of woven in cord and it is undoubtedly one of the varieties of the deluxe muslin. Bangladeshi weaver has been spoken about this arty textile that it is traditionally woven at Dhaka in Bangladesh. This is a complementary weft weaving technique.jamdani muslin sharee

dhakai jamdaniThe artistic motifs are usually produced by a non-structural weft, in addition to the typical weft that holds the bend gear together. The ordinary weft creates a fine, sheer textile while the additional weft with thicker gear adds the intricate patterns to it. Each complementary weft motif is added individually by hand and by interlacing the weft gear into the bend with superior bamboo sticks using individual spools of thread. For design, it is drawn on a graph paper and placed beneath the warp.

Jamdani sharee is the finest muslin cloth on which ornamental motifs are woven on the loom, classically in grey and white. habitually cotton mixture and gold thread are used.Bangladesh Jamdani

Though mostly used for saris, Jamdani is also used for scarves and handkerchiefs. It patterns are mostly of arithmetical, lodge, and flower designs and are said to have originated thousands of years ago. In the beginning time only landed gentry and royal families were able to use such luxuries sharee.

Jamdani saree is one of the luxurious for Bangladeshi women. it is used not only Bangladesh but also throughout the world. Jamdani sharee is the ancient product of Bangla.

There are different types of jamdani sarees; They are Dhakai jamdani, Begumpur jamdani, Silk jamdani Shantipur jamdani, Dhaniakhali jamdani, Tangail jamdani and so on.