Here is the big question: What is the fastest growing religion in the France? The figures that are given to us is the percentage of the population of each country which is practicing their religion. Here is how this religion status is calculated.
The total population of a country is divided into thirds: one third of the total population is divided among the people who belong to one specific religion and the other three-quarters is distributed among the other religious groups. This way, the number of people who belong to a specific religion can be calculated and the percentage of the population which is practicing their religion can be found.
Since there are so many religions in the world, the second method of determining this status would be through the denominational conversion rate. These figures indicate the number of new converts in a country. It is calculated by dividing the total number of people who belong to the religion by the total number of the population.
The statistics on conversion rate do not indicate the percentage of the population which is practicing their religion, but it is calculated based on the number of people who converted from the religion in the last five years. The denominational conversion rates have been measured for all religions and in France religion statistics for 2020 have been released.
As already mentioned, each country has a denomination, and they have different values and beliefs. The denominational figures given to us are the denominational ratios, or the ratios of the number of members in a particular denomination to the total number of the population. The French nation has several denominations, with the most common being Roman Catholicism, the most prominent religion in France.
The remaining religions in France include Evangelical Protestantism, Orthodox Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Sikhism, Pentecostalism, Mormon, Buddhism and Hinduism. All these figures are taken from the general population statistics in France. But if you want to know the fastest growing religion in the country of France, then the denominational ratio will be the best choice.
The second method of determining the fast growth of the religion is the percentage of the population that practices their religion. The denominational conversion rates are compared with the overall population of each country.
As stated before, the denominational conversion rates are measured according to the religious way of life. This is to measure the growth of the religion according to the level of religiosity of the country. By using this method, you will know more about the religion which you choose to practice.
The United States of America, which is also considered to be one of the most religious countries in the world, has the highest percentage of people who belong to a specific religion. According to this statistic, the United States is the fastest growing religion in the world. But according to some religions, this statistic is not correct and that the French nation is the biggest of the religions in the world.
In France, there are more than thirty religions and the fastest growing religion is the Roman Catholic religion. This percentage of members in the Roman Catholic religion can be found as it is the number of members per 100 persons of the general population of France.
In the Netherlands, where Christianity is predominant, the Dutch people have the highest percentage of members in the Episcopal Church. If you look at the national numbers, you will find that many people belong to the Uniate Church, Greek Orthodox, Lutheran, Baptist, Latter Day Saints, Pentecostal, Church of the Brethren, Unitarian Universalist, a Protestant sect and Anglican Churches.
The fastest growing religion in the United States of America can be found in the Lutheran religion. Although the numbers may differ from some states, the percentage of people practicing the Lutheran religion is very high.