US Politics Statistics and the Definition of the Malaysian Politics
The Malaysia is one of the most turbulent countries in Southeast Asia. Many countries in this region have experienced the ebbs and flows of this country, but this country has been described as ‘Lifeline of the Southeast Asian”. If you visit Malaysia, you will see that its political parties are a great source of entertainment and excitement.
Some of the current political parties that have emerged in Malaysia include PAS, Amanah Perkasa, Pakatan Rakyat, Barisan Nasional, PPP, Umno-Dynas, Malaysian Bar Council (MBK), BN and Umno Youth. All these parties exist to pursue the interests of their citizens, irrespective of race or religion. In addition, the Malaysian political parties are divided according to the class or race. At the same time, these parties are also divided according to the origin of the Malays in Malaysia.
The class that dominates the Malaysian politics is the Malay class and the other ethnic Malays. These parties have dominated the politics of the country for many decades now, despite the fact that it was the influence of non-Malays that have dominated the politics of the country.
The BN, the largest party that has dominated the politics of the country for many decades now, have won the elections with a margin of about two to one in the united polls held during the period of 1990. They were able to bring their vote to the election, even though there were only about two percent of the Malays in the country.
In the BN’s election manifesto, it was stated that they would abolish the death penalty, repeal the Foreign Trust Act and return the southern peninsula to Thailand. Moreover, the BN has also changed the system of representation. With their two-thirds majority, they were allowed to implement laws that were earlier not applicable to them.
The United States Politics Statistics showed that the Malays are more interested in an active society and a democracy. This makes sense because they believe in the liberty and freedom that this type of democracy can offer. As a result, they seem to support any type of policy that helps them pursue their freedom.
Other Malays are contented with the small number of parties that exist and they are interested in their own country’s politics. These Malays are not interested in taking part in an election because they don’t think that this is a popular option.
The Malays are very sensitive about the way they are perceived by other countries. With the low level of education and the rest of the problems that come with that, they don’t really want to share their politics with other nations. However, they do make their contribution through their participation in the political parties that they know.
The Malays make up for two percent of the population, but this group of people has such a powerful role in the Malaysian Politics. It is said that the Malays make up a major chunk of the total number of the Malaysian population. They are the ones who vote for and against the Malaysian governments.
The only reason why the Malays have a say in the Malaysia Politics definition is because they hold a larger percentage of the population. There are many reasons that this happens, including the fact that they live in a small area and the poor infrastructure that exists in Malaysia.
Other nations would like to have the authority to call the shots and they believe that their national government is the one that should be doing so. However, they don’t want to take the chance of losing their grip on power.
While we cannot deny the fact that Malaysia has a problem with its political parties, the good news is that there are other countries that wish to emulate this country and they see the importance of an active society and a democracy. This is what we in the United States Politics Statistics can offer.