
On this new scrapbook Avatar: The Final Airbender’s loved persona Uncle Iroh stocks his recollections and mementos with Prince Zuko.

In Avatar: The Final Airbender: Legacy of the Hearth Nation, uncover lengthy-saved secrets and techniques carried through Uncle Iroh as he data his tales for Prince Zuko. Learn letters from circle of relatives, pals, and extra On this different selection of mementos and keepsakes.

Iroh has held many jobs in his lengthy lifestyles, together with crown prince of the Hearth Country, mentor to Prince Zuko, and best friend of Avatar Aang. Within the peace following the tip of the Hundred 12 months Warfare, Iroh has compiled many emotions, recollections, artifacts, and tales from his lengthy lifestyles to proportion with Prince Zuko. Full of wonderful detachable mementos from Iroh, Avatar: The Final Airbender: Legacy of the Hearth Nation gifts an unique glance into probably the most collection’ so much-beloved characters.