
Erin Hunter’s #1 nationally bestselling Warriors collection keeps in Warriors: Energy of 3!

This field set comprises all six books within the 3rd Warriors collection, and is easiest for the collections of longtime Erin Hunter enthusiasts and readers new to the Warriors international.

The wild cat Clans have lived in peace and solidarity for plenty of moons, However now abnormal messages from their warrior ancestors talk of a terrifying new prophecy and a mysterious risk.

The time has come for 3 younger cats of ThunderClan—Hollypaw, Jawpaw, and Lionpaw—to turn into apprentices. Grandchildren of the good chief Firestar, they own abnormal Energy and ability. However secrets and techniques and uncertainty encompass them, and a mysterious prophecy guarantees bother to come back. The destiny of the warrior code rests within the paws of those 3 apprentices—and all in their power shall be wanted for the Clans to continue to exist.