
Deliver me from the Watchers who undergo slaughtering knives, and who’ve merciless fingers.

The Egyptian E-book of the Lifeless?is an historical choice of spells, prayers and incantations designed to steer the departed during the perils of the underworld, in the end making sure everlasting existence. Written as a part of funeral rites, those scrolls have been steadily left within the sarcophagus of the deceased and now be offering interesting perception into Egyptian tradition.

This fantastically illustrated adaptation accommodates pictures from the beautiful Papyrus of Ani, an historical Egyptian scroll narrating the adventure of Theban scribe Ani during the underworld. Its accompanying hieroglyphic textual content has been translated by way of acclaimed Egyptologist E.A Wallis Budge, and contains spells addressed to ferryman, gods and kings to help Ani on his strategy to the afterlife.