Dhaka to any district distance and bus station in Dhaka to go your home easily. You will able to know distance from Dhaka to Rajshahi by road, Dhaka to Rangpur distance by bus , distance from Dhaka to Chittagong, distance from Dhaka to Comilla and other main cities of Bangladesh. You can calculate any other district distance by adding or reducing some kilometer from the main major cities.

City to City Distance from Dhaka

Barisal: 277 km
Chittaong: 264 km
Comilla: 97 km
Jessore: 274 km
Khulna: 335 km
Mymensingh: 193 km
Noakhali: 192 km
Rajshahi : 270 km
Rangpur: 335 km
sylhet: 346 km


Distance Barisal city
Jessore: 261km
Khulna: 322 Km


Distance Bogra city
Jessore: 320km
Khulna: 381 km
Rajshahi: 264km
Rangpur: 106km


Distance Chittagong
Comilla: 167km
Noakhali: 151k


Distance Comilla city
Noakhali: 95km Distance Jessore city

Rajshahi: 233km
Rangpur: 426km

Distance Khulna city

Jessore: 61km
Rajshahi: 295km
Rangpur: 488km


Distance Mymensing
Rajshahi: 434km


Noakhali city
Jessoe: 465km
Sylhet: 352km


Distance Rajshahi city
Rangpur: 370km
sylhet: 681Km


Distance Sylhet city
Khulna: 694km
Rajshahi: 616km


Distance from district to district of Bangladesh.

Bus station or counter in Dhaka Bangladesh

If you want to go from Dhaka to Chittagong or other district, you can go by bus or by train. You should book a seat for AC or non-AC bus.

Where is Bus stations in Dhaka ?

Chittagong station : Chittagong bus counter and station available in Arambagh and Sydabad

Comilla station : Comilla Bus station and counter in Sydabad and Komalapur, Dhaka

Sylhet Bus station : Sylhet Bus Counter and station in Sydabad and Arambagh of Dhaka

Jessore station : Jessore Bus station and counter in Sydabad, Gabtoli and Arambagh of Dhaka

Bogra station : Find Bogra bus station and counter in Arambagh, Gabtoli of Dhaka city.

Mymensingh Bus station : Counter and Station Mohakhali

Norsingdi station : Counter and Staion Golistan

Noakhali Counter : Sydabad is the main bus station of Noakhali

Lakshmipur Bus Counter : Sydabad is the main bus station of Laxmipur

Khulna Bus Counter : Gabtoli is bus station and counter available in Sydabad

Rajshahi Counter : Arambagh, Gabtoli

Rangpur Bus Counter : Gabtoli

Barisal Counter : Gabtoli, Sydabad

Faridpur Bus Counter : Sydabad, Gabtoli

Narayangonj Bus Counter : Golistan

Gazipur Bus Counter : Sydabad, Mohakhali

Tangail Bus Counter : Mohakhali

Train station in Kamalapur of Dhaka, better you book a seat to visit any city from Dhaka.

You can go southern cities or Districts by Launch from Sadarghat of Dhaka city.

To go Kolkata you should book a seat before 3 – 7 days of your Journey, The bus counter available in Eden Complex, Inner Circular Road, Arambagh and Kallyanpur of Dhaka, Bangladesh.

There are many bus service providers have Buses for all major cities. see list below